
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Forex Buying

To be able to carry out any Forex transactions, you must first define the Exchange Rates at Support Files/Exchange Rates. Loan Performer also requires you to define the reason or purpose for the forex purchase and this can be preset at Support Files/Forex Purpose .

How to purchase a foreign currency 

To purchase a foreign currency you go to Cash/Forex buying and a screen like the one below shows up:

Note that
1. For security reasons and accountability, LPF will generate a foreign cash Sale form that has to be filled and signed by the Forex seller/buyer and the institution transacting in the foreign currency.

2. This form will have the authorized dealer, Amount in local and local currencies, the exchange rate and the serial number (002100) for ease of reference.

Click on the Save button to complete the transaction.

Note that you can view the forex transactions for the day by looking at the forex report at Cash/Forex report.

Click on Close to exit.

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